4 Teacher Seminar

Auf die Frage, wer die 4 Lehrer beim Oktoberseminar denn sind, poste ich hier mal einen Überblick:

Mike Martello:
Sifu Martello, geb. am 05.10.66, ist in New York aufgewachsen, dort wo Auseinandersetzungen körperlicher Art an der Tagesordnung waren. „In der Stadt New York musst du als Aufwachsender hart sein und wissen wie man sich verteidigt, anderenfalls wirst du ständig rumgeschubst.“
Nach Jahren des Trainings in verschiedenen Gymnastik und Sportarten, begann er aus rein praktischen Gründen Kampfkunst zu erlernen: „Zuerst schien es darum zu gehen wie man kämpft, aber das Training hat mir wirklich als Teenager das Leben gerettet. Es hat mir sowohl Disziplin als auch zu respektieren beigebracht.“
20 Jahre später begeistern Sifu Martello nicht nur die praktischen Aspekte des Kung Fus sondern auch die Schönheit der Kunst und ihre Kulturellen Hintergründe.

Doch begonnen hatte Mike Martello seine Kampfkunstlaufbahn indem er von seinem Vater das Boxen lernte und dann mit 11 Jahren bei Teddy Wong in New York City erstmals mit dem Kung Fu in Kontakt kam. Später dann wurde er ein Schüler von Meister Su Yu-Chang, ein Kung Fu Bruder des bekannteren Adam Hsu, und lernte von ihm alle möglichen Tang Lang Stile (Praying Mantis), Baji Chuan, Bagua Zhang, Pigua Zhang, Hsing I Chuan, Tai Chi Chuan und chinesische Waffen. Während dieser Zeit wurde Sifu Martello bald Co-Trainer in der Wu Tan Organisation in Taipei, Taiwan.
2001 wurde er von der Taiwanesischen Wu Tan Organisation, respektive Mrs. Liu Yun-Chiao, zum Wu Tan Direktor ernannt.

Sifu Martello hat bis zum heutigen Tag nicht aufgehört nach Taiwan zu reisen und dort zu lernen. Sein jetziger und letzter Lehrer Meister Wang Chieh unterrichtet ihn in Yue Jia Shou (Stil der Familie Yue), Ba Bu Tang Lang, Bai He Chuan (Weisser Kranich), ChinNa, Shuai Jiao (Chinesisches Ringen), Tai Chi Chuan und Push Hands.

Zhang Xin Bin:
Master Zhang was born in Beijing in the year 1954. In his late teens, he became a student of Master Zhang Guizeng and started his training in Baiyuan Tongbei.
In addition to Master Zhang Guizeng’s teachings, he also studied traditional Chinese wrestling (Shuai Jiao) from Master Yang Guozhen, pushing hands (Tui Shou) from Master Jiang Qimin and Internal Fist (Yiquan) from Masters Li Jianyu and Yu Yongnian.

Master Zhang is currently a 6th Dan Wushu Coach and Chief Instructor of the Beijing People’s Martial Arts Association. He is known for his excellent methods of building martial power and superb fighting skills. His first visit to Europe was in August 2005 and since then he has enthralled students and instructors with his depth and passion for the Chinese Martial Arts.

This autumn, Master Zhang will be back in Europe to teach various skills from the Tongbei system, including Tongbei Neigong Internal Power Cultivation Methods, Tongbei Fighting Applications and Double-Handed Saber.

Yu Shaoyi:
Master Yu Shaoyi, one highest ranking masters of Chinese judo (known as „shuaijiao“), is currently the Vice-Chairman of the Beijing People’s Martial Arts Association and also Chief Instructor of the Beijing Shuaijiao team.

Born in the year 1955, and started his martial arts training in 1970, learning the art of Chinese-Mongolian wrestling called Shuaijiao from renowned wrestling expert master Wang Ruiying. From 1973 onwards, he also learned the styles of Xingyi and Bagua from Master Sun Ruxian.
In 1975, he became the disciple of Tongbei master Zhang Guizeng, from whom he learned the art of Muslim Baiyuan Tongbei. Apart from the above-mentioned styles, master Yu has also trained extensively in Sanda (Chinese boxing).

As a member of the Beijing Shuaijiao team, Master Yu has participated in many martial arts contests throughout his career and has won numerous awards. He was two-times regional Shuaijiao champion of Beijing for the period of 1981- 1982. In 1999 Master Yu received two Awards for Outstanding Performance at the Taizhou International Martial Arts Competition. He is currently the Vice-Chairman of the Beijing People’s Martial Arts Association, and also Chief Instructor of the Shuaijiao team.

Having mastered the battle-hardened techniques and old-school training methods of traditional Shuaijiao, Master Yu is now one of the highest ranking Shuaijiao experts in Beijing . He is famous for his excellent fighting skills and also widely respected for his knowledge of the shuaijiao system and its traditions.

Sun Ruxian:
Master Sun Ruxian has dedicated his life to the pursuit of Chinese martial arts excellence, having studied several systems from famous masters in Beijing. As a youth, he became a student of Liu Qingquan, the son of Liuhemen master Liu Caichen, learning the arts of Liuhequan, Tangquan and Yueshi Lianquan.

Master Sun then went on to pursue the arts of Xingyi, Bagua, Shaolin and Six Harmony Praying Mantis from various masters including Masters Men Huifeng, Liu Jingru, Qin Qingfeng and Du Jinguo. Furthermore, he has intensive training in the arts of Iron Palm and Red Sand Palm. His specialties are Xingyi and Shaolin Five Forms Eight Methods Boxing.

Apart from teaching in Beijing, China, Master Sun has also taught Chinese martial arts in Japan and Switzerland. With his knowledge in various martial arts systems and his extensive teaching experience, Master Sun continues to dazzle martial arts practitioners within China and abroad.

Jochen Wolfgramm

Jochen Wolfgramm Geboren am 25. Mai 1965, studierte erst in Münster Philosophie, Sinologie und Germanistik, beendete 1998 seine Ausbildung zum Physiotherapeuten (Sportphysiotherapeut seit 2000) und arbeitet seitdem in diesem Beruf. Seit 1989 betreibt er Gong Fu. Erst Qi Xing Tang Lang und Taiji Quan, jetzt Babu Tang Lang, Tong Bei Quan und Taiji Quan.

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