Are you in?

Wow, what a week. Mindblowing and awesome.
It all startet with the first weekendseminar about Babu Tang Lang. (Please see Florians Post). Than a week full of experiences and information for Body and Mind in unisono. It ends with another weekendseminar in Cologne about Internal Basics.

Well, where to begin and what to say without forgetting something important? Hmm, I don’t know.
My brain is constantly working yet not knowing how to put all the infos in line. But it feels nonetheless great. 😉

I don’t want to review any single Training, but instead tell something about Howard Laoshi.
I first met him in 2007, Beijing and was impressed with his skills. He is one of the view chinese Teachers who easily can put his stuff into words and also give evidence in showing it. So it was a matter of time, when I have to work with him again and to invite him first time to germany.
Due to his nature of teachings, which are so deep and fundamental and yet so practical, all of my students love him from the first encounter with him. Even the people from different schools of internal martial arts throughout Germany and even Austria, seemed like they appreciate Howards teachings a lot. But why?
Well, I guess it is simply because he put his work into a throughout well thought appearance. He is not only demonstrating and teaching Moves and Techniques but a way, a Dao. All his fundamental Martial Arts, like Rooting, Alignment, Awareness and transportation of Energy, is also surrounded by a complete spiritual guidance and „Mindmap“. His teachings are simple but complete, easy yet difficult to reproduce. I love them.

I can write on and on and on. But I am not a good writer, so I leave it to everyone to maybe experience Howards teachings by himself. And I hope he will come next year again to let more people take part of his teachings.

I will close this Blogentry with a statement from Howard Laoshi, which I totally disagree:
He said „I am not a man of great charisma“ but a man who is willing to share his thoughts, his teachings and a part of his live so freely and without holding back, a man who is willing to hand out you the map to Gong Fu (or to freedom if you like), a man who is able to make many people listen to his Tales and Stories, is that not a man of charisma? I do think so.

Its so much better
When everyone is in
Are you in?

Incubus – Are you in?

Jochen Wolfgramm

Jochen Wolfgramm Geboren am 25. Mai 1965, studierte erst in Münster Philosophie, Sinologie und Germanistik, beendete 1998 seine Ausbildung zum Physiotherapeuten (Sportphysiotherapeut seit 2000) und arbeitet seitdem in diesem Beruf. Seit 1989 betreibt er Gong Fu. Erst Qi Xing Tang Lang und Taiji Quan, jetzt Babu Tang Lang, Tong Bei Quan und Taiji Quan.

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