Alex Cheng Laoshi in Deutschland!

First Seminar with Laoshi Alex Cheng from Taiwan in Germany! Don’t miss that!
Laoshi Cheng is one of Wang Chieh Laoshis oldest Students and highly skilled in both of Tang Lang and Taiji.
His focus in this Seminar will be the Basics of Gong Fu: Rooting, Structure, Alignment and Basic Movements. He will teach exercises to gain Insight in those Topics as well as Partnerdrills such as Pushhands, Applications and RouShou.
Place: School of Bailung e.V.
Time: 27th of August
Price: 65 €

Every Level of Gong Fu Practisioner is welcome!

Jochen Wolfgramm

Jochen Wolfgramm Geboren am 25. Mai 1965, studierte erst in Münster Philosophie, Sinologie und Germanistik, beendete 1998 seine Ausbildung zum Physiotherapeuten (Sportphysiotherapeut seit 2000) und arbeitet seitdem in diesem Beruf. Seit 1989 betreibt er Gong Fu. Erst Qi Xing Tang Lang und Taiji Quan, jetzt Babu Tang Lang, Tong Bei Quan und Taiji Quan.

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